
Wood wool is a purely natural product created by planing debarked, naturally dried spruce wood.
The resulting fibres are further shaken out in order to remove dust, sawdust, and splinters. Finally, the wool is compressed into bales of 80x50x40 cm with average weight of 30 kg. No chemicals are used during the production of wood wool, making it environmentally friendly and easily degradable. It can be disposed of by composting or burning.
Wood wool has many diverse applications. Most frequently, it is used as a universal padding material with excellent shock-absorbing capacity – suitable for fixing fragile goods.
It is also a popular decorative material in luxury gift packages (food baskets, decorative wine boxes etc.).
It is also used in construction industry and agriculture, being especially suitable for underlaying strawberries, cucumbers, and other vegetables as a protection against fungi and other microorganisms. Due to its anti-fungal and excellent absorption capacity, it is also highly suitable as litter for pets, farm animals, and exotic animals in the ZOO.
Last but not least, wood wool is also used, after applying further manufacturing processes, to produce firelighters and wound ropes.
Fine wood wool – 20/10 (2 mm in height, 0.10 mm in thickness)
Applications of fine wool:
- decorative material (gift baskets, decorative wine boxes, stuffing in boxes with transparent lids, etc.)
- packaging and fixing of highly fragile items
- plush toy stuffing
Regular wood wool – 20/20 (2 mm in height, 0.20 mm in thickness)
Applications of regular wool:
- litter (good insulation properties, dustless and anti-allergic) for dogs, rodents, ungulates, exotic animals, etc.
- underlaying of strawberries and other vegetables as a protection against damp, fungi, and slugs
- packaging and fixation of items
- insulant in construction and mining